Hun vejede 170 kilo og indså straks hun måtte forandre sin livsstil – Se hendes forvandling i dag

By 24. marts 2018Livsstil
Hun vejede 170 kilo og indså straks hun måtte forandre sin livsstil - Se hendes forvandling i dag

Hun vejede 170 kilo og indså straks hun måtte forandre sin livsstil – Se hendes forvandling i dag

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Hun vejede 170 kilo og indså straks hun måtte forandre sin livsstil – Se hendes forvandling i dag

Den 37-årige Amanda Mandie Wood indså straks at hun måtte ændre sin livsstil, da hendes badevægt viste, at hun vejede 170 kilo tilbage i 2015.

Det skriver Popsugar.

Her nedenfor ses den utrolige forvandling Amanda har gennemført:

Da Amanda var 35 år, besluttede hun sig for at tage et stort skridt, og kontaktede derfor en ernæringsekspert, der skulle hjælpe hende med at tabe sig.

Sammen lagde de en plan for hvordan hendes vægttab skulle forløbe. Til at starte med omlagde de hendes kost, sørgede for at den blev sundere, og blev delt op i mindre portioner.

It’s #transformationtuesday – so here is my before and during. No after yet, but I’m working on it. My during may be similar to many peoples before photos, but it took a hell of a lot of hard work and focus to lose the first 150 pounds and I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come so far! 💪🏻🤛🏻 . . . . . #fatloss #fattofit #fat2fit #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossblogger #transformationinprogress #f2f #girlswholift #workoutmotivation #mealsharing #countingcalories #weightlosscommunity #healthyhabits #goaldigger #workinprogress #fitlife #extremeweightloss #extremetransformation #facetoface #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandduring #naturalweightloss #fitstagram #workforchange #aboutme

Et opslag delt af Mandie 🇨🇦 (150+lbs lost) (@mandies_transformation) den

Udover sin kost, vidste hun også at det var vigtigt at begynde at få noget motion. Efter selv at have forsøgt sig i et fitnesscenter, og kort tid efter mislykkedes, fordi hun følte alle gav hende dømmende blikke, omkring hendes vægt, hun følte at hun ikke gjorde det i det rigtige temp, og måske folk mente hun brugte de forskellige aktiviteter forkert. Derfor blev det at træne meget hurtigt umotiverende for hende.

There are a bunch of new people following me, I think most of you from seeing the @popsugarfitness article (link in my bio of you haven’t read it but are interested). I thought I’d tell you a bit about me! 🔹 My name is Mandie (Amanda) and I’m 37 years old. I live in Canada, and work in marketing. In the fall of 2015 I decided to focus on my health, lose a bunch of weight and improve my life. I’ve lost 150 pounds so far and don’t have an end goal in mind yet, I’ll figure that out as I get closer. I really just want to keep progressing towards better overall health. I’ve had a lot of success through meal prepping, tracking all my food intake and after the first 9 months, exercising. My main goal is to be balanced. I don’t eliminate ANY food, and I don’t workout every single day. I eat what I crave (but watch my portions, total calories, and ensure I’m getting enough protein) and I workout 4-5 days a week for about an hour. I know a lot of people can lose excess weight faster, but I’m not going for speed. I’m going for a lifelong change in my habits and finding balance in my life. I also focus on small goals instead of the huge obstacle. It makes things more realistic and keeps me motivated. Thanks for following my journey! If I can help you in any way (I’m no expert, and what works for me may not work for you, but I can do what I can to help!), please let me know. ❤️ . . . . #fatloss #fattofit #fat2fit #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossblogger #transformationinprogress #f2f #girlswholift #workoutmotivation #mealsharing #countingcalories #weightlosscommunity #healthyhabits #goaldigger #workinprogress #fitlife #extremeweightloss #extremetransformation #facetoface #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandduring #naturalweightloss #goalsfor2018 #fitstagram #workforchange #aboutme

Et opslag delt af Mandie 🇨🇦 (150+lbs lost) (@mandies_transformation) den

Derfor besluttede hun sig for at alliere sig med en personlig træner, hvor de på denne måde sammen fandt ud af hvad og hvornår hun skulle træne, og derved kunne få hjælp til hvordan de forskellige maskiner fungerede.

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I 2015 vejede hun 170 kilo, men to år efter havde hun tabt sig hele 70 kilo.

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Amanda fortæller blandt andet at hun ikke havde kunne lægge sin livsstil om hvis ikke det havde været for hendes personlige træner og kostomlægning.


There are a bunch of new people following me, I think most of you from seeing the @popsugarfitness article (link in my bio of you haven’t read it but are interested). I thought I’d tell you a bit about me! 🔹 My name is Mandie (Amanda) and I’m 37 years old. I live in Canada, and work in marketing. In the fall of 2015 I decided to focus on my health, lose a bunch of weight and improve my life. I’ve lost 150 pounds so far and don’t have an end goal in mind yet, I’ll figure that out as I get closer. I really just want to keep progressing towards better overall health. I’ve had a lot of success through meal prepping, tracking all my food intake and after the first 9 months, exercising. My main goal is to be balanced. I don’t eliminate ANY food, and I don’t workout every single day. I eat what I crave (but watch my portions, total calories, and ensure I’m getting enough protein) and I workout 4-5 days a week for about an hour. I know a lot of people can lose excess weight faster, but I’m not going for speed. I’m going for a lifelong change in my habits and finding balance in my life. I also focus on small goals instead of the huge obstacle. It makes things more realistic and keeps me motivated. Thanks for following my journey! If I can help you in any way (I’m no expert, and what works for me may not work for you, but I can do what I can to help!), please let me know. ❤️ . . . . #fatloss #fattofit #fat2fit #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossblogger #transformationinprogress #f2f #girlswholift #workoutmotivation #mealsharing #countingcalories #weightlosscommunity #healthyhabits #goaldigger #workinprogress #fitlife #extremeweightloss #extremetransformation #facetoface #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandduring #naturalweightloss #goalsfor2018 #fitstagram #workforchange #aboutme

Et opslag delt af Mandie 🇨🇦 (150+lbs lost) (@mandies_transformation) den


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